While my grades may be teetering between mediocre and average, I have been trying my utmost to enjoy real life, and have been quite successful to an extent. I also competed in big-ball volleyball, and sang for the first time in front of a crowd. I was also able to enjoy being the champion and winner to what is tantamount to being the last quiz bee of my life, and until now I still feel really good about it, because I was the one who was able to answer the difficult questions that widened the gap between us and our opponents. While I failed being the three-peat champion in chess, I was able to contribute a bit to our basketball team and win the championship for the third straight time. We have, of course, been quite busy the past month: there were tons of examinations, but two weeks ago was the final medicine week of our lives. I will probably never return to formal school after this year, and I don’t want to live my life being regretful. It was with this thought that I am hoping that my faithful readers (you) could forgive my temporary absence and intermittent updates because I’m really trying to seize the last year of formal schooling and enjoy it to the best of my abilities. If I’m lucky, I’ll just be an errand boy if not, I’ll be a bitch and bitched that certain day. I am not running away or eschewing anime, mind you, but I am trying to enjoy what amounts to my last academic year of medical school before I go into the wards as an errand boy or bitch. Let me be totally frank: I have not watched anime ever since the fourth episode of Blood-C, and probably won’t do so until near the end of this month, and I have no regrets whatsoever.
Compared to series which are consistently sad, or just really fun-fests the series that are bittersweet are for me the ones that are more memorable because of this surprise element. The seriousness jumps out at the viewer, and erodes the foundation of emotional stability because it precisely is jarring. I think I’ll get back to this later on: my point is that it is the background of comedy that illuminates and gives gravitas to the serious occurrences in the show, especially because the seriousness is unexpected. It is this surprising and jarring transition that makes the comedy all the more funny and the sadness all the more grave, because it is unexpected and yet apropos for the occasion. The aftermath, of course, is that Penny broke down into tears after Leonard and Priya were gone. They were even able to recall a humorous scene in Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew. There was witty banter throughout the occasion, but it was enlightening to see how Penny reacted to the aptness of the relationship between Leonard and Priya: both of them were highly intelligent and capable of holding a conversation. Though it’s stomach-crampingly funny at one point, it immediately becomes a trigger for tears when beneath the laughs lie the emotions that the characters feel.Ī great way to illustrate this is the awkward presence of Penny at the time when Leonard, Priya, and the rest of their friends were having dinner at Leonard’s apartment. It’s actually the jarring transitions that make me more endeared to series like this and H&C. While the comedy remains the focus, the emotions that underlie and that seethe beneath the terse sentences and the unsaid expressions make the show more colorful for me. Instead of mere scientific laughfests from caricatures the viewer is increasingly made to appreciate the humanity of the characters that make up the show. People have complained about the tone of TBBT to have become more serious, but I actually praise it. Just as Penny spites Priya, she bears down on her emotions and respectfully gives Leonard and Priya their space after Leonard and her talked about it, Yamada whines about Rika but doesn’t actively go against her because she also recognizes the capabilities of Rika. They know who they love, and they love as best as they could, but don’t actively compete with their friends for the hearts of the people they’re interested in. I said similarity because there is no actual competition among the characters in both series. It wasn’t obvious during the earlier seasons, as there was only Penny, but it showed its similarity to H&C when Bernadette, Amy, and Priya appeared.
I couldn’t help myself from comparing that serial comedy with Honey and Clover, especially in light of the later seasons. There’s a new season, I know, but it’s still currently running and unfinished at the time of this writing. I may not have been watching anime, but I’ve been catching up on The Big Bang Theory up to the end of its fourth season.